Invest with Us

Real Estate Investing

You've seen the infomercials on TV, read articles in the newspaper, and heard the occasional cocktail party story about how much money there is to be made by investing in real estate. If you are like most people, you would love the chance to participate in this type of investment activity, but you just don't know how to get started. If you do have a genuine interest in real estate investing, we have an investment partner program that will allow you to invest in a "fix and flip" property with the knowledge of One King Street right by your side. For more information related to investing contact Jeff King at 602-295-9200 or send an email to 
Winfield 2 Days After Purchased from Trustee Sale

These before and after pictures showcase one of our investor "fix and flip" scenarios. This property is located in the North Scottsdale gated community of Winfield. The property was purchased from the Arizona Trustee Sale through an affiliate bidding service we do business with. We purchased the property for $299K and invested $15K to completely update it to include enclosing an open den off of the front entry (shown above) to a third bedroom (shown below). Carrying costs were about $5K. The property sold for $349,900

 producing a profit of $30,900
Winfield Complete Renovation 3 Weeks After Purchase
Renovation by One King Street

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